Louet's Bobbins are BIG compared to other manufactures. This is why you will not see a jumbo flyer for sale, and why we LOVE Louet for both beginners and production spinners. Louet Standard bobbins can hold up to 1/2 lb fiber, and it's Bulky bobbin holds even more. The Fat core bobbin is intended to fill less quickly, producing a large bobbin with a little less capacity for fine yarns. Louet has also just introduced the Art Yarn Flyer to compliment the creation of artistic yarns; find this item under our "Louet Flyers" product.
Specific bobbin specifications are below. Feel free to contact us at any time with questions and our wheel techs will be glad to help!
Louet Bobbins:
- Standard 3 Speed Bobbins, Finished & Unfinished: Capacity 180-250 grams. Ratios are: 1:5.5 (slow spinning/heavy yarns), 1:7.5 (medium yarns),1:10.5(fast spinning/fine yarns) Fits wheel models S10, S10DT, S51, S51DT, S15, S17 and S75DT.
- High Speed bobbins are carefully crafted to make spinning at high speeds a breeze. Ratios are: 6.5:1, 9.5:1, 15:1 Fits wheel models S10, S10DT, S51, S51DT, S15, S17 and S75DT. The bobbin weighs 111grams.
- Fatcore bobbins are for all standard Louet wheels, not including S45, s90 and Victoria. Ratios are: 6.5:1, 9.5:1, 15:1 with a core of 2". The fatcore reduces pull on the yarn for more control on cotton and fine, slippery fibers.
- Louet's Bulky bobbin is designed for thicker yarns and requires the wide flyer for use with any standard Louet wheels.Ratios are: 6.2:1, 5:1, 4.2:1. Fits wheel models S10, S10DT, S51, S51DT, S15, S17 and S75DT.