If you're missing a flyer hook, flyer bearing, or brass flyer bearing seat, you're in the right place! Orders for parts can be confusing, and we're still adding lots of essential parts to this site, so don't hesitate to contact us with an questions you have, or to request the part you need be added for purchase.
We are also happy to contact the manufacturer on your behalf in order to locate older wheel parts and refurb items.
Slider Hooks for Flyers: These are replacement slider hooks for the Victoria or Julia flyers as well as the regular and high speed flyer for all other wheels. Installation instructions: Remove the slider from the flyer. Position the pliers so that you have a secure grip on the wires. Gently squeeze the wires together, slowly ( if you squeeze too hard or fast you could break the plastic and they will pop out of the pliers). Put slider back on the flyer, if its not tight enough take it off and squeeze again.
Slider Hooks for Victoria/Julia HiGH SPEED Flyer: These Slider hooks are made to fit the high speed flyers for Victoria and Julia wheels and should not be used on other wheels.
Black Plastic Flyer Bearing: This part is the insert that holds the flyer as you insert it into the main back post of the wheel. On older wheels these bearings can become brittle and old and can affect the tension/take up of your wheel if the flyer is no longer spinning freely.
Victoria/Julia Orifice Insert: This white poly insert reduces the orifice circumference on your Victoria or Julia wheel when spinning fine yarns. If you have purchased a used Victoria or Julia and it did not have a white poly insert inside the black orifice (or somewhere stored with the wheel) you may be missing out on the wheel's fine spinning capability.
Brass Flyer Bearing: This is the brass "seat" attached to your wheels front maiden that allows the flyer orifice to sit facing the spinner. Corroded Flyer Bearings create too much friction and can affect your wheel's tension/take up, and it's ability to spin freely.
Brake Bands, Tension Springs, and other parts are listed individually or under "Louet Wheel Tensioning Parts."