Yarn-o-holics rejoice! Check out this unique ceramic Mom Yarn Bowl! This fantastic bowl is great for knitters, just string the yarn through one of the openings for a no tangle mess while working on your favorite knitting project. This Yarn Bowl especially makes an amazing gift for all the Moms out there!
Use Mayco Wonderglazes before your final Mayco Clear One glaze firing for a microwave, dishwasher, and oven-safe finish.
Mom Yarn Bowl is:
- Fired once to bisque stage, ready to paint or glaze & re-fire
- 6” in. Dia. 4” H
- Ready to paint with Mayco Underglaze, clear coat and fire.
- Available for purchase as a ceramic blank for in-studio use which includes glaze and firing, or as a blank for out-studio painting.