SolarFast sunlight-developed dyes are used to create photograms, continuous tone photographs and sun prints on paper and natural fabrics. SolarFast is also great for painting, tie dyeing, screen printing, stamping, batik and more. No heat setting, chemical or steam fixing necessary!
Check out JacquardSolarFast.com for turning photos into film negatives to use with SolarFast™ dyes.
Newly improved: Now odorless and safe for children!
- No more ammonia
- Kid-friendly
- More consistent exposure times
- Brighter and cleaner colors
- A more stable dye
- Apply SolarFast to fabric or paper using a brush, sponge or brayer. While still damp, expose the design to sunlight and watch the color magically appear!
- Place objects on the coated substrate before exposing, to block development. Any object that casts a shadow will create an image. Use a film negative to create permanent photographs on paper or fabric.
- Prints are washable, lightfast and archival. The dye leaves fabric completely soft. On paper, SolarFast has zero relief and will not affect the texture of the printed surface whatsoever.
- SolarFast thins and cleans up with water.
- For screen printing applications, use SolarFast Thickener.
all artist papers, wood and natural fibers, including: cotton, linen,
canvas, silk and hemp
Available in Sizes:
- 4 fl oz/118 ml
- 8 fl oz/.24 L
- 32 fl oz/.94 L
- 1 gal/3.78 L